Ibercivis is the national institution of Spain promoting citizen science that runs the portal Observatory of Citizen Science in Spain, a reference framework with more than 100 practices in its catalogue. Since 2012, Ibercivis coordinates the European project Socientize www.socientize.eu, which delivered the Green and White Papers on Citizen Science for Europe, referenced as a flagship document for the citizen science policy making. It is the 11th reference out of 156 in the English Wikipedia for “citizen science”.

Ibercivis and Socientize have been referenced as best practices by several institutions and initiatives, including the EC, the Australian Citizen Science Association, RRI-Tools, RRI-ICT, Ars Electronica or Cotec Foundation, among others. Ibercivis took part in Global Excursion – Extended Curriculum for Science Infrastructure Online.

Ibercivis is part of the steering committee of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA), linking it with RRI, working on the adaptation of the RRI-Tools self-reflection tool for the citizen science communities and #CitSciChatES.