Learning Scenarios – “Lesson plans”

Teachers collaborating in BRITEC planned and documented their experiences. Under the guidance of the project team, teachers elaborated lesson plans in English, detailing pedagogical approaches of introducing Citizen Science into classrooms.


Learning Scenario – 1. Radio Meteor Zoo

Learning Scenario – 2. Impact of traffic noise on people “Build your own disruption function”

Learning Scenario – 3. Air Quality


Learning Scenario – 1. Urban Climate and Human Bioclimate activies and Lesson plan

Learning Scenario – 2. Analysis of students’ dietary habits activities and Lesson plan


Learning Scenario – 1. Small retention – big deal. Plants store water and inhibit drought

Learning Scenario – 2. UV index – a closer look from Earth


Learning Scenario – Are hand-made traps to trap sand flies so effective as commercial ones

Learning Scenario – Can we teach a computer to classify microscopy images of tumoral cells