School of Economics and Services in Żychlin is a high school with passion, undertaking activities aimed at modern education of young people. The school cares about a comprehensive Polish and European people. It prepares students for active and conscious participation in social and civic life. The advantage of the School of Economics and Services in Żychlin is the dynamic cooperation of the school with many domestic and foreign institutions. The school awakens cognitive curiosity among young people, enabling students to participate in various school, local, national and international activities and projects. School of Economics and Services in Żychlin has been paying special attention to health and environmental education for years. Through its activities, it broadens students’ knowledge of ecology and environmental protection, as well as botany and zoology. It develops research attitudes, develops respect for nature. It stimulates active action for the environment, and studies the impact of environmental pollution on human health. Students, under the guidance of teachers, carry out numerous natural, environmental and ecological projects and campaigns for which they receive numerous awards and prizes.